A Review on Friction Stir Welding for Aluminium Alloy Composite
Journal Title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 11
Friction stir welding is a relatively new solid state joining process which locale a major role in different industry including the aerospace ,automotive and manufacturing industry field to join aluminium alloy composite that are hard to weld by fusion welding process. Fusion welding of aluminium alloy composite is difficult due to the pernicious reaction between reinforcing the hard particle like carbide, oxide, nitride, boride and molten metal resulting in undesirable phase and these problem associated with this pernicious reaction are eliminated with the use of Friction stir welding. The purpose of the development of this technique was to reduced the common issues associated with other joining mechanism such as fusion welding, brazing and soldering etc. In Friction stir welding, the energy input and distortion are significantly lower than in fusion welding technique, thus improve the welding properties and the resulting joints offers less distortion, less residual stresses, fewer weld defects. This paper reviews the work done in the above mentioned area and concludes by suggesting further scope for research in Friction stir welding.
Authors and Affiliations
Pradyumn Kumar Arya
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