A review on oral mesenchymal stem cells and tissue engineering, prospects of stem cell-based regenerative dentistry

Journal Title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue 1


Regeneration of the damaged organs and tissues is an important physiological mechanism of the human body. Embryological research has shown that the pluripotent stem cells are responsible for the development and growth of an organism. The mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are present in various adult tissues including those of dental origin. Recently a lot of attention has been laid on the unique features of stem cells like replacing, repairing, maintenance and augmenting tissue function. Oral dental MSCs are able to not only regenerate dental pulp and other dental structures but also other parts of the body, especially those, which have almost, have lost their ability to regenerate.

Authors and Affiliations

Niradi Madhavi, Sandeep Nalla, Aswini Thandu, Syed Sameer, Poreddy Lakshmi, Rajya Lakshmia Puvvati


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Niradi Madhavi, Sandeep Nalla, Aswini Thandu, Syed Sameer, Poreddy Lakshmi, Rajya Lakshmia Puvvati (2018). A review on oral mesenchymal stem cells and tissue engineering, prospects of stem cell-based regenerative dentistry. International Archives of Integrated Medicine, 5(1), 152-158. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-413547