A Review on Redesign of Drive System for Textile Powerloom Machine to Prevent Downtime and Improve Reliability of System
The textile industry is one of the most complicated manufacturing industries because it is a fragmented and heterogeneous sector dominated by small and medium enterprises. A loom is a tool used for weaving yarn into textiles. There are many types of looms, including the hand loom, frame loom, and shuttle loom. A power loom, yet another type of loom, is a mechanized tool that uses a drive shaft for power. The power loom allowed manufacturers to create textile products quickly than with hand-driven looms. This improvement helped the power loom to become one of the defining machines of the industrial revolution. It is however observed that the chain drive textile power loom machine which transmits the power from a motor to a certain height for jacquard movement.. The failure of chain is observed in association with vibration. This vibration and failure can be addressed to a longer length of chain and the associated sag. This leads to breakdown in the production cycle causing a huge financial loss. This problem is addressed by redesigning the drive system and a concept of bevel gear drive system is presented. The new design can improve the functionality and also relieves the vibration.
Authors and Affiliations
K. C. Goli , B. B. Deshmukh
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