A Review Paper on Virtualization


Virtualisation refers to the partitioning of computer capabilities. A virtualized computational atmosphere's purpose is to improve resource utilization by presenting consumers and programs with a unified system operational system based on a collection of homogenous and unsupervised components. Virtualisation has recently emerged as a technique of boosting data safety, reliability, and durability, cutting prices, and configurability at all layers (system, storage, and network). Clouds storage is a layer of computation that exists beyond the equipment and the systems software, and also the programs that execute on front of it. The intermediary barrier that conceals the material assets of the software systems from the operational systems is known as the virtual machine monitor (VMM) or hypervisor (OS). This page discusses the principles of provides a platform, including its advantages and disadvantages, taxonomy, and challenges.

Authors and Affiliations

RK Chopra


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  • EP ID EP746583
  • DOI 10.55524/ijircst.2022.10.2.26
  • Views 46
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How To Cite

RK Chopra (2022). A Review Paper on Virtualization. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science and Technology, 10(2), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-746583