A Secular Indicator of the Degree of Economic Development and Synthetic Evaluation of Population Well-Being Trends

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2015, Vol 63, Issue 4


The specifically multidisciplinary approach employed in the present paper is motivated by the validity of Engel’s sociological laws, the usefulness of the elasticity of the population’s food products demand according to income, the statistical association between the contraction of the share of expenditures for these goods and the expansion of economy development, and the consistent assessment of the trends in population well-being, in keeping with the research of family budgets, focusing on the case of Romania in the last century. The introduction is devoted to the statistical, economic and sociological tools for assessing economic development and the trends in well-being. The first section describes the weighting coefficients in the universe of interpret indexes, and the second presents the methodology relating to a secular instrument of assessing the degree of economic development and the synthetic evaluation of the trends of well-being in Romania, in parallel to a number of maximum and minimum (European and international) trends. The results presented, and the discussion caused by the statistical confrontation of that statistical, economic and sociological information, embrace, with the conclusions, the attempt made by the whole of the paper, to round up, by means of this tool, a necessary set of secular or Schumpeterian indicators, harmonized and comparable, of the GDP/capita type, or such as cost of life index, consumer price index, public and external debt, etc.; such already constructed indicators contribute to delineating the historical and macro-behavioural specificity of such an economy in Eastern Europe as that of Romania.

Authors and Affiliations

Gheorghe Săvoiu


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How To Cite

Gheorghe Săvoiu (2015). A Secular Indicator of the Degree of Economic Development and Synthetic Evaluation of Population Well-Being Trends. Revista Romana de Statistica, 63(4), 3-16. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-100908