A Settlement Reached before a Mediator and a Court Settlement—a Gloss to the Judgment of the Court of Appeal in Katowice of 23 September 2016, File Ref. no. I Aca 404/16

Journal Title: Roczniki Nauk Prawnych - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4


The gloss discusses the considerations of the proposition formulated in the justification for the judgement of the Court of Appeal, in which it was assumed that the difference between a settlement agreement concluded before the court and an agreement concluded before a mediator and approved by the court is that only the agreement concluded before the court has the legal force equal to that of a notarial deed. The presented doubts relate to the part of the reasoning concerning a settlement reached before a mediator and which has been “approved by the court.”

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Dąbrowski


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  • EP ID EP668785
  • DOI 10.18290/rnp.2018.28.4-11en
  • Views 116
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How To Cite

Marek Dąbrowski (2018). A Settlement Reached before a Mediator and a Court Settlement—a Gloss to the Judgment of the Court of Appeal in Katowice of 23 September 2016, File Ref. no. I Aca 404/16. Roczniki Nauk Prawnych, 0(4), 181-190. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-668785