A Short Historical Perspective on the Evolution of Logistics and its Implications for Globalization
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2013, Vol 61, Issue 3
This work reviews a few significant historical stages of economic globalization, and shows how the logistics of resources and production has influenced the development of the human society. Historically, logistics has played a fundamental role in the global development of human society by means of the five action vectors: military, economic, political, religious and cultural. In any historical stage but more significantly nowadays, a strong community, a strong state, or a strong alliance needs a clear framework for the operation of the logistics systems, and not lastly, adequate levers for the implementation of these systems. The globalization – logistics paradigm has always had significant effects on the order and ordering of society. An important factor, which has influenced the development of Logistics science, has been the development of technology, and consequently its use on the local, zonal and global levels. The development of society has and is based on the ability of the decision-making factor to predict or foresee the needs of society but also on the capacity to deliver the products, which would satisfy these needs. The systems, technologies and logistics management become more and more important in today’s global world which is more and more interconnected and interdependent.
Authors and Affiliations
Sandu Cristian CUTURELA, Alexandru MANOLE
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