“A sojourn of Harmony and Dissonance”: A cast of Hybrid of Confluence and Discord between History and Anthropology in Contemporary Scholarship
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6
Abstract: Social science contemporary studies posits with vehemence that the employment of interdisciplinary approach is an indispensable method of attempting to have a full grasp of what man and his environment in any time scape is all about. Two scientific disciplines where this intercourse has been consistently growing warm and active by dint of its mutual benefits are history and anthropology. In its all-out contemporary spirit of seeking to understand mans’ past(triumphs and failures) History leans on anthropology to provide her with knowledge about societal norms, mores, institutions, structures and cultural tenets. Anthropology on its part requires the knowledge of history to understand the rudiments of human cultures, received traditions and time influences. As integral components of the social sciences family, they are birds of a feather and in respect to inter-relatedness of the issues they handle (about man in all his aspects), they are bound to trot together. This notwithstanding, Historians and anthropologists have scientific junctions where they converge which are just as many as those disciplines that stubbornly keep them astride. This paper diagnoses not only the areas and reasons where/why they meet but attempts to map out their changing positions in choosing issues to be investigated, conducting research, analyzing the results and bringing forth their findings. It uses abounding evidences in the Bamenda Grasslands to opine that the cooperation between these two disciplines with their all-embracing character do not only obey the tenets of the interdisciplinary concerns but have helped to open new frontiers of awareness in the entire historical guild. Keywords: History, Anthropology, Contemporary, Diagnosis, Converging, Diverging.
Authors and Affiliations
Confidence Chia Ngam
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