A Static Time Analysis of 1-bit to 32-page SCA architecture for Logic Test
Journal Title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 7
This research proposes the Static Time Analysis of 32 page Single cycle access (SCA) architecture for Logic test. The timing analysis of each and very path of Logic test are observed that is setup and hold timings are calculated. It also eliminates the peak power consumption problem of conventional shift-based scan chains and reduces the activity during shift and capture cycles using ClockGating technique. This leads to more realistic circuit behavior during at-speed tests. It enables the complete test to run at much higher frequencies equal or close to the one in functional mode. It will be shown, that a lesser number of test cycles can be achieved compared to other published solutions. The test cycle per net based on a simple test pattern generator algorithm without test pattern compression is below 1 for larger designs and is independent of the design size. The structure allows an additional onchip debugging signal visibility for each register. The method is backward compatible to full scan designs and existing test pattern generators and simulators can be used with a minor enhancement. It is shown how to combine the proposed solution with built-in self-test (BIST) and massive parallel scan chains. The results are observed on Xilinx XC3s1600e-5fgg484
Authors and Affiliations
K. Surya Kumari| Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE, M Tech Scholar,Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE Pragati Engg College, Surampalem, Sneha. M. Joseph| Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE, M Tech Scholar,Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE Pragati Engg College, Surampalem, V. N. M. Brahmanandam. K| Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE, M Tech Scholar,Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE Pragati Engg College, Surampalem
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