A Study of Anatomical Variations in the Caeco-Appendicular Position
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 3
The caecum and appendix are derivatives of the midgut, situated in the right iliac fossa. The caecum is a capacious sac like segment of the proximal colon. The terminal ileum empties in to the caecum through the ileo–caecal orifice, which is guarded by ileo-caecal valve. The appendix arises from the postero–medial aspect of the caecum about 2.5cm below the ileo–caecal orifice, where the three teniae coli coalesce. This anatomic relationship facilitates identification of the appendix during operation. The aim of the study is an attempt to throw a fresh light on a matter so thoroughly to collate much valuable material and to determine the incidence of the various caeco-appendicular positions, which will enable a surgeon to correlate these positions with the myriad of symptoms that are attributable to the inflamed appendix, during appendectomy. The study may also influence the present knowledge on the diagnosis and surgical interventions in complicated typical and atypical caeco-appendicular positions. Keywords: Midgut, Teniae coli, Ileo-caecal orifice, Ileo-caecal valve, Caeco-appendicular positions, Appendicitis, Laparoscopic Appendectomy.
Authors and Affiliations
Naveena Swargam, Ashok Kumar Malvadi, Seema Madan
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