A Study of Clinical & Biochemical Profile of Patients with Periodic Paralysis with Special Reference to Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 1
Background: Periodic paralysis is a disorder with episodic, hyporeflexic, and short-lived skeletal muscle weakness. Patients present with repeated episodes of the weakness of the limb muscles which last for few hours to few days and are often precipitated by exercises, heavy meals or fasting. hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HPP) is a form of metabolic myopathy, which is characterized by hypokalemia, acute flaccid paralysis, potentially fatal episodes of muscle weakness and lifethreatening cardiac arrhythmias. But prompt and early recognition of this condition and initiation of treatment can lead to excellent recovery. Aim: To study the clinical & biochemical profile of patients of hypokalemic periodic paralysis and to determine the association of dietary habits (fermented rice) with HPP. Methods: The cross-sectional study design with the total 52 patients of HPP was selected in 21-60 year age group, from Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Department of Medicine, Raipur, C.G. (Pt. JNMMC) and associated hospital (Dr. BRAMH, Raipur, C.G.). The descriptive study was used for analyzing the data. Results: Total 52 patients were selected. The mean age of the patients was 37.98±9.18 years. Most of the subjects are male (n=42, 80.7%), taking fermented rice (bassi) in the diet (n=51, 98%), and had no precipitating event. Most of the subjects (n=50, 96.2%) had decreased tone in all 4 limbs, DTR absent (n=33, 63.46%), haemoglobin level <12gm% (n=34, 65.4%), low serum potassium level <3.5meq/l (n=42, 80.7%), and had sinus bradycardia in ECG (n=13, 25%) ). Conclusion: Limitations of the study include small sample size and lack a control group. Periodic paralysis is an episodic, short-lived and hyporeflexic skeletal muscle weakness. Most patients consumed fermented rice (bassi) on a daily basis and had hypokalemia. Patients presented with acute flaccid progressive motor paralysis should be treated with intravenous potassium regardless of low or normal serum potassium level as they responded well without any residual weakness.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Yogendra Malhotra, Dr. Harshlata Sahu
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