A Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Breast Feeding among Primi Para in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6


Abstract: Breast feeding is a natural reflex in mammals with innumerable benefits but the not much addressed domain in pregnancy. This becomes more important in a primiparous woman, hence this study was undertaken to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of primipara at Vani Vilas Hospital attached to Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore. The Knowledge was assessed by a questionnaire; attitude and practices were assessed by interview and observations. Out of the 400 mothers, none were formally educated about breast feeding, 95% gave colostrums feeds, and 3% had given pre lacteal feeds. Knowledge and attitude did not match with practices though the attitude towards breast feeding was encouraging. Relatives played a major role in the postnatal period for initiation, technique and continuation of feeding. Exclusive breast feeding concept was lacking in majority of the mothers. The study found the need for an effective antenatal education policy through medical and paramedical personnel, media and educative sessions. Post natally the mothers need to be supervised and educated regarding type of feeding, technique, benefits, exclusive feeding necessity and an effort towards this is worth as it can play a major role in reducing the infant mortality and morbidity. Keywords:Breast Feeding, Tertiary Care Hospital.

Authors and Affiliations

Harshitha S, K Srinivas


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Harshitha S, K Srinivas (2017). A Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Breast Feeding among Primi Para in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 5(6), 2198-2203. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-373095