A Study of Serum Ferritin Levels in Hospitalized Children Suffering From Anemia: A Hospital Based Study
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 5
Background: Iron deficiency is the commonest form of malnutrition worldwide and according to the World Health Organization affects 43% of the world’s children. In children it is frequently caused by dietary deficiency, because milk has low iron content. It is develops when there is inadequate iron for hemoglobin synthesis and is the result of imbalance between iron assimilation and iron loss. Method: This prospective hospital based study was conducted on 100 children between 6 months to 5 years, admitted in pediatrics department of Rural tertiary care hospital, Mullana. Children with Thalassemia, malignancy, and bleeding disorders were excluded. 2 ml of venous blood anti-coagulated with EDTA was taken and complete blood counts (Hb, TLC, DLC, Platelet count, Red cell indices), peripheral blood film and S.ferritin estimation was done. Results: Serum ferritin had a mean value of 40.676 ng/ml (min: 0.1ng/ml; max 246.6ng/ml) It was 31.86 ng/ml for age group 6-24 months, 52.35 ng/ml for 25-36 months and 55.035 ng/ml for age group 37-60 months, showing rising trends of serum ferritin with age. Mean hemoglobin of the children is 8.84gm/dl (with minimum being 2.4gm/dl and maximum 10.9 gm/dl), median being 9.45g/dl. Microcytic Hypochromic anemia was seen in 72% children while Normocytic and Normochromic anemia was seen in 28% of children. Conclusion: Peripheral blood film and RBC indices although aid to diagnose the type of anemia, where resources permit serum ferritin estimation should be done as is the only sensitive test to diagnose iron deficiency anemia in initial stages. This results in prevention of the children to progress from iron deficiency (depleted iron store) to the iron deficiency anemia and its morbid consequences.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Bablu Kumar Gaur
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