A study of socio-cultural attitudes of student’s youth in relation to development trends of Russia and world civilization
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5
The article discussed the results of a study of students was conducted using an original technique, allowing to identify priorities of development of Russia and of world civilization. Be identify and analyze four groups of students, differing in their relation to the main directions of development of modern Russia. Also, be identified and analyzed four groups of students, differing in the overall assessment of their vectors the development of Russia and the global community as a whole. There are four types of values corresponding to each of the four described groups. Analyses of the group of students selected on the basis of their subjective evaluations of their patriotism and optimism in relation to the development of world civilization.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Nemtsov
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