A study of various surgical treatment modalities for the treatment of primary and recurrent pterygium at tertiary health care center


Introduction: Pterygium is a Greek word for wing. Pterygium is a wing shaped flesh growth of elastotic, degenerative conjunctive on corneal limbus. it is fibrovascularsubepithelial in growth of conjunctiva. Aims and Objective: To Study of various surgical treatment modalities for the treatment of primary and recurrent pterygium at tertiary health care center. Material and Methodology: In this study 51 eyes of patients with pterygium who underwent excision with conjunctival auto grafting in our institute in last 18 months were reviewed. Data is collected from operation theatre records. The conjunctival auto graft was harvested from the superotemporal conjunctive and secured with 10-0 ethilon. Five ophthalmologists with minimum 5 years of surgical experience were involved in the study. Risk factors for recurrence were evaluated with regard to individual surgeon variation, patient’s demographic factors and pathology of the pterygium. Result: The most common age group was >60 i.e. 27.45% followed by 51-60- 25.49%; in 41-50. 21.56%; 31-40- 19.60%; <30- 5.88%.The majority of the Patients were Males i.e. 68.62% followed by Female i.e. 31.37% .The majority of the Patients were Unilateral - 88.23% and Bilateral were 11.76%. Recurrence rate was highest in recurrent type of pterygium i.e. 25 % and in Primary was 20%. Recurrence rate was highest in Fleshy i.e. 27.02% and in Atrophic was 7.14%.The most common postoperative complication was Steroid responders found in 2 cases followed by Granuloma formation, Conjunctival cyst formation, Symblepharon formation, Sclera thinning in recurrent pterygium was found in 1 case. Conclusion: Ideal pterygium surgery should achieved 3 principle goals viz. low recurrence rate, absence of complication and satisfactory cosmoses. Conjunctivalautogarfting has definite lower recurrence rate as compared with recurrence rates of other procedure published in litereature. Procedure is safe with low complication rate. Wide inter surgeon variation is observed with this procedure .surgeons who had performed more conjunctivalautografts for pterygium before the study were found to have a lower recurrence rate, suggesting a learning curve effects.

Authors and Affiliations

Hemkala L Trivedi, Sujit M Murade, Anuja Gharat, Darshana B Rathod


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Hemkala L Trivedi, Sujit M Murade, Anuja Gharat, Darshana B Rathod (2016). A study of various surgical treatment modalities for the treatment of primary and recurrent pterygium at tertiary health care center. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 20(3), 311-315. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-498769