A Study on Anatomical Variations in Non-Syndromic Clefts of Lip, Alveolus and Palate Belonging to the Eastern Part of India

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 6


Non-syndromic clefts of lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP) are purely physical deformities that are correctable surgically leading to normal facial growth provided the surgery is done in proper time and with the proper knowledge of anatomy of the cleft. This study in Eastern India gives an overview of anatomical variations of CLAP on which the surgical repair of the same depends. 250pediatric cases of non-syndromic CLAP of both sexes were studied over one year duration. They were classified into 3 subgroups namely cleft lip (CL), cleft lip and palate (CLP) and cleft palate alone (CP). The data was tabulated, statistically analyzed; correlation between the different subgroups and with existing datawas drawn.CLP(55.60%) is found to be the commonest type of CLAP deformity in studied population followed by CP(25.60%) and CL(18.80%). 181(72.40%) cases have complete clefts. Overall probability of complete cleft is highest in CLP subgroup followed by CP subgroup i.e. CLP are found to be most severe type of clefts. 149(59%) cases had unilateral clefts. Probability of unilateral clefts is higher in CL and CLP subgroups as compared to CP subgroup. It supports the fact that the etiology of CLP is different from that of CP. The present study findings may help in selecting the proper surgical procedure for correction of clefts that in turn depends upon the subtype, the extent and the laterality of the defect. Keywords: clefts of lip alveolus and palate, cleft lip, cleft lip and palate, isolated cleft palate, complete cleft, incomplete cleft, unilateral clefts, bilateral clefts.

Authors and Affiliations

Prerana Aggarwal, Subhadip Bharati, Biswarup Barejee, Anwesa Pal, Avijit Hazra, Asis Kumar Datta


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How To Cite

Prerana Aggarwal, Subhadip Bharati, Biswarup Barejee, Anwesa Pal, Avijit Hazra, Asis Kumar Datta (2014). A Study on Anatomical Variations in Non-Syndromic Clefts of Lip, Alveolus and Palate Belonging to the Eastern Part of India. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 2(6), 3375-3379. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-378617