A study on association of Eustachian tube function with graft uptake in chronic suppurative otitis media (tubotympanic) patients in tertiary level care hospital
Background: Normal Middle Ear functioning relies on Eustachian tube patency and its proper functioning. Eustachian tube has three functions with respect to middle ear (i) Protection from Nasopharyngeal sound pressure and secretions (ii) Drainage into the Nasopharynx of middle ear secretion (iii)Ventilation to equilibrate the air pressure in the middle ear with atmospheric pressure. The aim of our study is to assess the Eustachian tube patency in chronic suppurative otitis media (Tubotympanic type) and to evaluate the treatment outcome of CSOM (tubotympanic type) in relation to Eustachian tube dysfunction. Materials and Methods: In our study 50 patients with CSOM (tubotymnpanic type) were subjected to assess ETF by Impedance audiometry and Dye Instillation test. The patients were grouped into normal ETF and Impaired ETF. Patients with dry ear were planned for myringoplasty and with wet ear were planned for cortical mastoidectomy. The patients were followed up at 1 month and 3 months post operatively and then the results were analyzed. Successful outcome defined as healed graft with good middle ear function. Graft failure or perforation secondary to otitis media during follow up is considered as failure. Results: In our study done in 50 patients 44 (88%) had normal ETF, 6 (12%) patients had impaired ETF by impedance audiometry. The Dye Instillation test revealed that 6(12%) patients had obstruction, 5 (10%) patients had hypofunction and 39 (78%) patients had normal ETF Conclusion: In our study the correlation between ETF and graft uptake was statistically analysed (p value 0.015) and was found to be highly significant. Hence there is a strong association between ETF and graft uptake. The pre operative test of tubal function is therefore of great interest, especially if such provides a possibility of estimating the chance of achieving a satisfactory result of tympanoplasty
Authors and Affiliations
Yoganandh M, Balasubramani J, Getrude Banumathi P, Sujatha S, Jaiganesh D
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