Journal Title: PARIPEX-Indian Journal of Research - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 11
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is an attempt to establish a relationship between the levels of nucleated RBC's and to assess the severity of perinatal asphyxia and early neonatal outcome. There by preventing complications such as hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, neurological impairment and polycythemia. METHODS: In this study 320 patients who have undergone emergency LSCS at Govt Kilpauk medical college were taken. Singleton term pregnancies primi /multi babies of more than 2.5kg appropriate for gestational age irrespective of indication, without any maternal co morbid factors were taken up. Inclusion and exclusion criteria, study protocol were designed. Various parameters were also studied including NICU Admissions, relation with gravida, maternal age, LSCS indication, and duration of labour. RESULTS: NRBC'S were significantly high in cord blood of patients with prolonged first and second stage of labour and who underwent emergency lscs for fetal distress and deep transverse arrest. Also increased NRBC'S were noted in babies with low apgar score. Babies with birth asphyxia who were diagnosed by the pediatrician, showed an increased levels of NRBC'S. NRBC count increased proportionately to the severity of HIE. CONCLUSION: From this study it was concluded that estimating the number of nucleated RBC/100 WBC in umbilical cord venous blood sample of new born is an important test, the sample being obtained non invasively from otherwise discarded specimen and analyzed by personnel or equipment readily available in most hospital laboratories. The level of nucleated RBCs/100 WBCs correlates with acute intrapartum asphyxia and can be used as an index of early neonatal outcome
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. G. Thenmozhi, Dr. P. S. Jikkikalaisel vi, Dr. Shanthi Gunasi ngh, Dr. R. Dhivya, Dr. N. Navina
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