A Study on Popularity of Netflix among Youth
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2020, Vol 3, Issue 03
The Evolving Television Industry Relies Heavily On The Corresponding Shift In The Audiences That It Addresses. New Practices For Consumption And Production, Particularly The “Disruptive” Force Of Streaming Services Like Netflix, Have Been Evidenced Not Only In The Methods Of The Companies Themselves But Also In The Content They Have Begun To offer. Netflix Is The Absolute And Categorical Media Company Of A Hybrid Nature In The 21st Century. It Is Now One Of The Leading Providers Of Digitally Delivered Media Content And Is Continually Expanding Access Across A Host Of Platforms And Mobile Devices. Despite Its Transformative Role, However, Netflix Has Drawn Very Little Critical Attention-Far Less Than Competitors Such As You tube, Apple, Amazon, Comcast, And H b o. This Paper Tends To Study The Popularity Of Netflix Among Youth With The Help Of Primary Research.
Authors and Affiliations
1Sweta Mishra,2Dr. Vanitha Esaimani
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