A Study on Rock units for Landslide Hazard between Yinmabin and Kalaw areas, Mandalay Region and Shan State South
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 5
The research area is situated along the Thazi Taunggyi road section and Thazi Shwenyaung railway section in western part of the Shan Plateau. It is one of the most socio economically important transportation routes in Myanmar. Most of the land slide hazards occur annually along the pathways for transportation because of the mountainous terrain area with high steep cutting slopes.The study area involves a sequence of Yinmabin metamorphic complex Early Paleozoic , Lebyin Group Early Carboniferous , Plateau Limestone Group Middle Permian Middle Triassic , Loi an Group late Middle Jurassic early Late Jurassic , Pyinnyaung Formation Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous , Kalaw Red Bed Cretaceous and Alluvium Holocene .The various types of rock units are igneous and meta igneous rock units, metamorphic rock units , sedimentary and meta sedimentary rock units. The igneous rock units are also comprised the granitic rocks, dioritic rocks, rhyolite and biotite microgranite. Metamorphic Rock units of Yinmabin Metamorphic Complex are low to medium grade metamorphosed pelitic rocks, medium to high grade metamorphosed quartzo feldspatic rocks and medium grade metamorphosed calcareous rocks. The Lebyin Group consists of greywackes, pebbly mudstone, quartzite and shales. The Plateau Limestone Group is composed of medium to thick bedded, light gray to bluish gray calcitic limestone, dolomic limestones, brecciated limestone and argillaceous calcitic limestone. The two Jurassic units consists of interbedded sequences of sandstone, siltstone, shale. Generally the rocks of the Loi an Group are turbiditic nature of siliciclastic sedimentary rock units. Kalaw Red Beds are totally of continental origin of fluvialtile fanglomeratic deposits containing comglomerate, thin to medium bedded sandstone, siltstone and shale.Moreover, the study area is structurally unstable because it lies in the Shan Scarp Fault Zone. So, most of the landslide types occur in this area. Wedge Failure and plane failure are the common type of landslides and other types occur as minor. Dr. Me Me Thein "A Study on Rock units for Landslide Hazard between Yinmabin and Kalaw areas, Mandalay Region and Shan State (South)" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd28041.pdfPaper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/geography/28041/a-study-on-rock-units-for-landslide-hazard-between-yinmabin-and-kalaw-areas-mandalay-region-and-shan-state-south/dr-me-me-thein
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