A Study on Rural and Urban Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Food Products of Farmer Producer Organizations


Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) started the retail store for food products in rural, semi urban and urban areas targeting the consumers preferring healthy and quality food products. With the above background, the main aim of the study is to analyse the buying behaviour of rural and urban consumers towards FPOs food products. A sample size of 80 respondents was taken for the study. The buying behaviour of rural and urban consumers was influenced by the monthly income of the households. Urban consumers spent more money for the purchase of food products in FPO retail stores when compared with rural consumers. The main reason for buying the FPOs products by both rural and urban consumers were quality and chemical free of the products.

Authors and Affiliations

Vanathi S, Sivakumar S. D


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  • EP ID EP649076
  • DOI 10.24247/ijasraug20199
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How To Cite

Vanathi S, Sivakumar S. D (2019). A Study on Rural and Urban Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Food Products of Farmer Producer Organizations. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR), 9(4), 53-60. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-649076