
Tourism is an industry that has started to rise rapidly in recent years. Thus, there has been a tendency towards different tourism types rather than mass tourism in order to spread tourism on every day of the year. By this way, there has been an increasing interest in the developing alternative tourism types and these tourism types have started to be evaluated within the frame of sustainability. Alternative tourism types increase people’s interest in unexplored natural environments and make these regions a destination, which has brought up the issue of protecting the regions and realizing tourism activities there. As long as tourism activities in these regions are carried out within the scope of eco-tourism; the richnesses and natural diversity of the regions will be protected and the local people will develop socioeconomically. This study examines all the richnesses and potential tourism types in Bird Sanctuary on the Kızılırmak Delta and includes the opinions and suggestions of relevant shareholders regarding the problems of the region. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant shareholders and their opinions about the tourism supply and sustainability of the region were received. As a result of the study, it was determined that available touristic and social facilities in the region were inadequate, infra and super structures in the region needed to be developed and a greater importance had to be attached to advertising activities. In addition, it was concluded that shareholders were highly positive and excited about protecting the beauties of the Kızılırmak Delta and providing its sustainability by including the delta in the permanent heritage list of UNESCO

Authors and Affiliations

Mehmet Vatansever, Orhan BATMAN, Aysu Altaş


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  • EP ID EP249683
  • DOI 10.24013/jomelips.370035
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How To Cite

Mehmet Vatansever, Orhan BATMAN, Aysu Altaş (2017). A STUDY ON THE VALUATION OF BIRD SANCTUARY ON THE KIZILIRMAK DELTA BY LOCAL SHAREHOLDERS IN TERMS OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM. Journal of Management Economic Literature Islamic and Political Sciences, 2(2), 194-217. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-249683