A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Self Instructional manual (SIM) on Triage Assessment in case of Disaster in terms of Knowledge and Practice of Staff Nurses working in the Tertiary Care Hospitals of Gujarat State
Journal Title: Journal of Nursing Today - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 1
A study to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module related to Triage Assessment in case of disaster in terms of Knowledge and Practice among Staff nurses working in tertiary care hospitals, Gujarat State was conducted with an objective to assess the knowledge and practice on Triage Assessment before and after administration of SIM to staff nurses working in Tertiary Care Hospitals of Gujarat State. Quasi experimental approach was used with one group pre-test post-test design.The study was conducted in the area of Tertiary care Hospitals attached with Govt. Medical college of Gujarat state. The samples of 40 staff nurses were selected through multistage random sampling technique. A Structured Knowledge Questionnaire and Express Structured practice Questionnaire were prepared to assess the knowledge and the practice of the Samples. Content validity of the developed tools and SIM were established by 9 experts and necessary modifications were made as suggested by them. Reliability of the tool was ascertained by split half method using Spearman Brown formula. The reliability coefficient of the Quasi experimental approach was used with one group pre-test post-test design. The SIM related to Triage Assessment in case of disaster. The study was conducted in the area of Tertiary care Hospitals attached with Govt. Medical college of Gujarat state. The samples of 40 staff nurses were selected through multistage random sampling technique. A Structured Knowledge Questionnaire and Express Structured practice Questionnaire were prepared to assess the knowledge and the practice of the Samples. Content validity of the developed tools and SIM were established by 9 experts and necessary modifications were made as suggested by them. Reliability of the tool was ascertained by split half method using Spearman Brown formula. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.81 and for structured practice questions it was 0.77. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The mean pre test knowledge score was 16.30 and the mean post test knowledge score was 24.43. The mean pre test practice score was 7.25 and the mean post test practice score was 13.38. Significance of the difference between pre test and post test knowledge and practice was statistically tested using paired‘t’ test and it was found significant at 0.05 level (t=12.7, t=13.69 respectively). There was significant increase in the knowledge and practice of the samples after the administration of the SIM on Triage Assessment in case of Disaster. Hence it is concluded that SIM was effective in improving the knowledge and practice of the staff nurses of Tertiary Care Hospital attached with Government Medical College of Gujarat State
Authors and Affiliations
Trupti Brahmbhatt
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