A Study to Assess the Effectiveness Gardening Therapy on Depression among Old Age People in Selected old Age Home in Kheda District
Journal Title: Journal of Nursing Today - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 1
According to WHO, the prevalence of depression over 60 years is increasing faster than any other aging population. A Quasi-experimental non randomized pre-test post-test control group design was used to evaluate effectiveness of gardening therapy on depression among old age people. 60 elderlies were selected non probability convenient sampling technique (30 experimental & 30 control group). Modified beck depression inventory II was used for data collection. Validity was checked by 7 experts. Intervention was given for daily 2 hours in morning for 15 consecutive days. Post-test was assessed on 16th day by using same tool. Posttest assessment of depression was assessed in both groups. The data will be analyzed by descriptive statistics such as mean, SD, frequency and percentage. The mean post-test level of depression score is significant lower than the mean pre-test level of depression. The calculated’ test value was 7.5714 (>table value). There for null hypothesis was rejected and research hypothesis was accepted. There was significant association between physical illness and recreation activity in experimental group. And significant association between financial support, no of children and physical illness in control group.
Authors and Affiliations
Vora Naurin, Kharadi Jagruti, Patel Nikita, Pargi Pratiksha, Koli Sonal, Valand Damini, Kiran Dolia
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