A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Health Education Programme on Knowledge Regarding Ill Effects of Child Labor and Its Prevention among the People Residing in Selected Slum Areas of Udaipur City

Journal Title: Journal of Nursing Today - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 1


“I dream for a world which is free from of child labor, a world in which every child goes to school. A world in which every gets his rights” -KAILASH SATYARTHI It is difficult to define child labor since the terms “child” and “labor” both resist universal definition because of cultural and social differences from one country to another. ILO (International Labor Office) has specified the concept through its – Minimum Age convention 1973 – Where it encourages member states to set a minimum age that is not less than the completion age for compulsory schooling, or in any case not less than 15 years. So in India a child laborer is one who is below 18 years of age, out of school and has no avocation other than work. Although child work is not synonymous to child to labor, most children, in whatever society they live, work in one way or another. For example, in rural areas of India most of the children are involved in agriculture, cultivation forestry etc. Work of this kind is not considered child labour. Children who works as child labors and are aged below 14 years in any economically productive activity with or without compensation, wages or profit. The Health education programme is a tool that is the systematically designed learning experience using flipchart and flashcard to help individual and communities to improve their health by increasing their knowledge ill effects of child labor and its prevention. A Present study is undertaken with the aimed to assess the effectiveness of health education programme on knowledge regarding ill effects of child labor among and it’s prevention among the people residing in selected slum areas of Udaipur city’’. The study was performed evaluative approach as the study aimed at development of an intervention (Health Education Programme) for assessing the knowledge and practice of 80 people residing in selected slum areas of Udaipur City. This approach would help the investigator to evaluate the effect of specific intervention that is “Health Education Programme” on the variable that is ‘knowledge’ of people residing in selected slum areas regarding ill effects of child labor and it’s prevention at Udaipur city. In this study samples were drawn by using non probability purposive sampling method. Data was collected by using structured knowledge questionnaire. The knowledge of ill effects of child labor and it’s prevention among people residing in slum areas was assessed. The result showed that the mean post test knowledge score is 26.45 (94.46%) is greater than the mean pre test knowledge score 14.32(51.16%). The result showed that the enhancement in the knowledge of respondents is 12.13 (43.3%) supporting the post test knowledge score are higher than the pretest knowledge score.

Authors and Affiliations

Upendra Parashar, Dinesh Kumar Sharma


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Upendra Parashar, Dinesh Kumar Sharma (2017). A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Health Education Programme on Knowledge Regarding Ill Effects of Child Labor and Its Prevention among the People Residing in Selected Slum Areas of Udaipur City. Journal of Nursing Today, 4(1), 1-7. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-446001