A Study To Support First-N Queries And Incremental Updates To Answer Multi Keyword Queries
Journal Title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 12
Most search engines and online search forms maintain auto completion which demonstrates suggested queries or even answers on the fly as a user types in a keyword query character by character. As many search systems accumulate their information in a backend relational DBMS. Some databases such as Oracle and SQL server already support prefix search and we could use this feature to do search-as-you-type. Still not all databases provide this feature. For this reason we study new methods that can be used in all databases. One approach is to expand a separate application layer on the database to construct indexes and execute algorithms for answering queries. While this approach has the benefit of achieving a high performance its main drawback is duplicating data and indexes resulting in additional hardware costs. Another approach is to use database extenders such as DB2 Extenders, Informix Data Blades, Microsoft SQL Server Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration and Oracle Cartridges which permit developers to implement new functionalities to a DBMS. This approach is not possible for databases that do not provide such an extender interface such as MySQL. Because it needs to utilize proprietary interfaces provided by database vendors a solution for one database may not be portable to others. In addition an extender-based solution particularly those implemented in C/C++ could cause severe dependability and security problems to database engines.
Authors and Affiliations
Ala Rajitha| Balaji Institute of Technology & Science Narsampet warangal, arajitha222@gmail.com, Mr. Fasi Ahmed Parvez| Balaji Institute of Technology & Science Narsampet warangal
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