A Survey on Acquaintance, Orientation and Behavior of Medical Practitioners toward Periodontal Diseases in Naroda Area of Ahmedabad A Questionnaire Study


Background Periodontics is a fast evolving dental specialty. But periodontics is still seen to be nascent among different health professionals. Aim To assess Acquaintance, Orientation And Behavior Of Medical Practitioners Toward Periodontal Diseases in Naroda Area of Ahmedabad. Methodology A cross sectional survey using a self administered, structured questionnaire was conducted on 200 medical practitioners Naroda Area of Ahmedabad. They were randomly selected. Ethical committee clearance was taken from the institute. Data were analyzed through percentages and chi square statistical analysis was performed. Results Most of them have knowledge regarding the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease. However, majority of them are unaware about dental specialist referral and association with systemic disease. Most of them refers the patient to general dentist. The p value calculated was 0.0001. The results are significant p 0.05 their orientation and behaviour was significant but when questions asked about periodontal disease the results were not significant. Comparison of responses rightly answered among the study subject were analyzed by computerized SPSS version 20 . Level of significance was set at P 0.05.The chi square test was found to be non significant. They had limited knowledge about the association between periodontal health and general health. Conclusion Acquaintance, Orientation And Behavior Of Medical Practitioners Toward Periodontal Diseases was found inadequate among medical practitioners in Naroda Area of Ahmedabad. Periodontal educational program is strongly recommended. Dr. Tanusha Sharma | Dr. Charu Agrawal | Dr. Hiral Parikh "A Survey on Acquaintance, Orientation and Behavior of Medical Practitioners toward Periodontal Diseases in Naroda Area of Ahmedabad: A Questionnaire Study" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd31553.pdf

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Tanusha Sharma | Dr. Charu Agrawal | Dr. Hiral Parikh


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Dr. Tanusha Sharma, Dr. Charu Agrawal (2020). A Survey on Acquaintance, Orientation and Behavior of Medical Practitioners toward Periodontal Diseases in Naroda Area of Ahmedabad A Questionnaire Study. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4(4), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-686567