A Tree of Life Approach for Multidimensional Data
With the recent exponential growth of ICT, there is explosive growth of data of varied nature. Human effort is always to efficiently store the data for the current and future usages. In the present day, we create data with a speed that 90% of the total data in the world today has been created in the last few years alone, as explained by IBM[1]. There are many problems and challenges to handle this big data i.e. heterogeneity, scale,timeliness,complexity, and associated privacy. One has to develop suitable and flexible strategies to derive knowl edge and value from this price less data. Data analysis, organization, retrieval, and modeling are foundational challenges. Of the three main characteristics of Big data i.e. Volume,Velocity and Variety; this study is a step towards fast processing of the data that is generated at a fast speed. The traditional OLAP systems use static data cube approach or partial materialization of cuboids in order to ensure fast query performance which does not provide an up-to-date data warehouse for decision support systems and requires a lot of memory space.This paper describes Big Data and philosophy of its retrieval through tree of life approach that uses the power of Multi-core processing for efficient parallel computing in real time.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Kavita Pabreja
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