A Wavelet Domain Approach Based On DT-CWT For Satellite Image Processing


A DT-CWT-based nonlocal-means-based RE (DT-CWTNLM-RE) strategy is proposed, utilizing the DT-CWT, Lanczos addition, and NLM. Note that DT-CWT is almost move invariant and directional specific. In addition, DTCWT safeguarded the typical properties of impeccable reproduction with very much adjusted recurrence reactions. Significantly, DT-CWT gives promising results after the change of the wavelet coefficients and gives less curios, as contrasted and conventional DWT. Since the Lanczos channel offer less associating, sharpness, and negligible ringing, thusly, it a decent decision for RE. NLM is utilized to further upgrade the execution of DT-CWT-NLM-RE by diminishing the ancient rarities. The outcomes (for spatial RE of optical pictures) are contrasted and the best performing strategies.

Authors and Affiliations

G. Pavankumar, K. Govinda Rajulu


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How To Cite

G. Pavankumar, K. Govinda Rajulu (2015). A Wavelet Domain Approach Based On DT-CWT For Satellite Image Processing. International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology, 4(11), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-28321