Şinasi Özsoylu
The combination of Marfan syndrome with lymphoma is extremely rare. This report describes a case of Marfan syndrome who presented with chest discomfort and was diagnosed to have an aortic aneurysm and an additional incid...
Şinasi Özsoylu (2015). About Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 32(1), 92-92. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-94908
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DDAVP VWF Eksikliği olan Gebelerde Preeklampsi Riskini Azaltabilir
Bileşik Heterozigot SEC23B Gen Mutasyonu Olan Konjenital Diseritropetik Anemi Tip 2 Olgusu
Oyun Çocuğunda, Geç Bulgu Veren Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisine Bağlı Ağır Demir Eksikliği Anemisi
Aortic aneurysm and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in Marfan syndrome
The combination of Marfan syndrome with lymphoma is extremely rare. This report describes a case of Marfan syndrome who presented with chest discomfort and was diagnosed to have an aortic aneurysm and an additional incid...
Hipertransaminazemi ve Artrit ile Kendini Gösteren c.761C>T Mutasyonuna Bağlı Hiper IgM Sendromu