About the meaning of interpersonal ties. From the marital tie to the familial one

Journal Title: Wychowanie w Rodzinie - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 1


The ability of creating couples is greatly important for the whole future life of two people, and the satisfaction and happiness felt by the partners in a relationship guarantees its durability. In the present article, I analyze the evolution of the close interpersonal relations between the two sides (of the partnership – through marriage – and after in the family). The marital bond is the basis and a special kind of a family bond. The bond formation process begins at the moment of creating the family. Both spouses bring to the relationship factors such as: mutual love, character traits, a system of values and material conditions. Living together leads to the development of further elements of the bond which can include: mutual understanding, tolerance, trust, shared goals, interests, and having children. Thanks to the existence of a sense of family ties, an individual is able to meet all their needs, ranging from biological, social to the psychological ones, and reaching to achieve the specified values.

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  • EP ID EP190159
  • DOI 10.23734/wwr20161.103.116
  • Views 150
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How To Cite

Maja PIOTROWSKA (2016). About the meaning of interpersonal ties. From the marital tie to the familial one. Wychowanie w Rodzinie, 0(1), 103-113. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-190159