The problems of existence and propagation of spin quasi-periodic Bloch-Floquet waves in a layered
periodic structure consisting of ferromagnetic and dielectric layers are investigated. The dispersion relations
and freque...
V. T. Avanyan (2000). About the theory of K - stability.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 53(1),
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Effect of preliminary cyclic loading on static strength and deformation of fibreglass reinford plastic.
The bending of a rectangular piezoelectric plate fixed along its perimeter.
Bloch-Floquet spin waves in periodic ferromagnetic and dielectric layered structure
The problems of existence and propagation of spin quasi-periodic Bloch-Floquet waves in a layered periodic structure consisting of ferromagnetic and dielectric layers are investigated. The dispersion relations and freque...
Nonstationary motion of viscous liquid between parallel moving planes.
On contact problem for an elastic compound semi-plane with a vertical finite crack.