Journal Title: Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego - Year 2011, Vol 446, Issue 446
This paper is a revision of academic engineering geology in Poland presented against the background of the 130 year worldwide history of this discipline. In post-war Poland the engineering geology has been first taught in the fifties of the twentieth century at Technical University in Gdañsk, Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Cracow and at Warsaw University. Nowadays, a degree in engineering geology can only be obtained exclusively at Warsaw University, whereas graduates from Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow and from University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznañ specialize in both: engineering geology and hydrogeology. The number of geologists (M.Sc. and Eng.) specializing in engineering geology and both engineering geology and hydrogeology does not exceed 10% of the professional geologists group. The scope of the activity of academic engineering geology in Poland has been described mainly with reference to the accomplishments of the Department of Engineering Geology, Warsaw University.
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