Access to Growth Enhancement Support Scheme’s Inputs among the Dry Season Rice Farmers in Sokoto State, Nigeria


This study examined the level of accessibility to GESS inputs among the dry season rice farmers in Sokoto State. Two hundred and fifty registered GESS farmers were randomly selected and data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistical tools were used to analyze the data. The result revealed that majority of the farmers fell between 30- 39 years, and 93.6% were married. With regards to farmers levels of education, 14.4% have primary education, 21.6% have secondary education, 14% with tertiary education, while 45.2% with Qur’anic education. Based on the findings, majority of the farmers have access to fertilizer (62.8%), improved seed (57.6%) and agro-chemical (55.6%). Majority (74.4%) of the farmers attributed registration with GESS programme as the major factor that determines access to GESS package. The identified key constraints to registered GESS farmers, were untimely supply of inputs, inadequate production inputs and manipulation of GESS register by agro-dealers. Therefore, for effective and sustainable GESS programme there is need for timely and adequate distribution of GESS inputs and GESS register should not be tempered with.

Authors and Affiliations

S. H. Sidi, A. A. Kamba


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  • DOI 10.9734/AJAEES/2017/29965
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How To Cite

S. H. Sidi, A. A. Kamba (2017). Access to Growth Enhancement Support Scheme’s Inputs among the Dry Season Rice Farmers in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 15(3), 1-8.