Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Religions in 2014

Journal Title: Religions - Year 2015, Vol 6, Issue 1


The editors of Religions would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following reviewers for assessing manuscripts in 2014: Acevedo, Gabriel A. Ajrouch, Kristine J. Anbar, Ran Angeles, Vivienne Avishai, Orit Baer, Jonathan Baker, Joseph O. Bakker, Janel Kragt Bartkowski, John Bass, Henry Baumann, Klaus Becci, Irene Berrick, Jill Duerr Berthrong, John Bertram-Troost, Gerdien Blumenthal, James Boan, David Brion, John Brown, R. Khari Brubaker, Rogers Bsoul, Labeeb Ahmed Burke, Kelsy Callaway, Kutter Canada, Andrea L. Cann, Arnie Carle, Robert Chui, Wing Hong Cizmic, Maria Clark, Jawanza Eric Clark, Terry Ray Cohen, Daniel Corbett, Lionel Cragun, Ryan T. Cupchik, Jeffrey W. Cusack, Carole Daneshpour, Manijeh Dell'Osso, Liliana Deneulin, Séverine Dickson, Gary Dionigi, Filippo Dollahite, David Dossett, Wendy Dufur, Mikaela Eaton, Natasha Edelmann, Jonathan B. Eisenstein, Marie Engberg-Pedersen, Troels Erol, Sibel Ewest, Timothy Fabretti, Valeria Flesler, Daniela Flippen, J. Brooks Fokas, Effie Foreman-Peck, James Francis, Leslie Freiheit, Stacy R. Gaither, George A. Ganguly, Keya Geist, Claudia Godlaski, Theodore M. Gökarıksel, Banu Goodman, Deborah Grabovac, Andrea Green, Todd Greenberg, Leslie Gregg, Karen Monique Grillo, Laura S. Haggh-Huglo, Barbara H. Hall, Deborah L. Hall, Elizabeth Lewis Hall-Clark, Brittany Hallett, Michael Hamdan, Nahla Yassine Hassan, Zaiton Hatley, Shaman Hill, Terrence D. Holm, Nils Hood, Ralph Horsley, Philomena Ibrahim, Zakyi Imbo, Samuel Immergut, Matthew Jindra, Michael Johnson, Todd E. Jose, Matthew Kaufman, Peter I. Kohn, Livia Krause, Neal Lalonde, Richard N. Larson, Paul Lechkar, Iman Lee, Julian Lidke, Jeffrey Lucchetti, Giancarlo Lyons, Geoffrey MacDonald, Heidi Mahadev, Neena Mahoney, Annette Makley, Charlene E. Makransky, John Makrides, Vasilios Mangion, Carmen Marangudakis, Manussos Marks, Loren D. Matthews, Todd McCloud, Aminah Beverly McDaniel, June McWilliams, Spencer A. Merino, Stephen M. Merrick, Joav Messina, James Mignon, Sylvia I. Miller, James Miller, Peter M. Moses, Gavriel Mpofu, Elias Mrug, Sylvie Müller, Louise Namdul, Tenzin Nance, Richard Nemec, John Ngunjiri, Faith W. Noll, Mark Noor, Mansor Mohd O’Brien, John Olson, Daniel V. A. Pardo, Ismael Quintanilla Payne, Richard Pedersen, Anders K. Peteet, John R. Phillips, Thomas E. Phoenix, Bethany J. Piacentine, Linda B. Plante, Thomas Plate, S. Brent Ramli, Harith Randolph, Robert M. Richardson, Kristina L. Rimestad, Sebastian Riyono, Bagus Robert, Elliott Romano, John F. Rusu, Petruta-Paraschiva Sabatier, Colette Salas-Wright, Christopher P. Sanders, Jolene Scholz, Susanne Scolnicov, Anat Shen, Megan Johnson Sisemore, Tim Slattery, Jeanne Smets, Kevin Sorajjakool, Siroj Stanley, Steven Stefurak, Tres Steiker, Lori K. Holleran Sterkens, Carl Stroope, Sam Sumerau, J. Edward Swain, Joseph P. Swinton, John Talik, Elżbieta B. Thompson, John Tieszen, Charles Topping, Ryan Ulland, Dagfinn Visser, Anja Voiculescu, Cerasela Wald, Kenneth D. Waldron, William Walter, Richard Webb, Jon R. Welch, Christina Westermeyer, Paul Wickramaratne, Priya J. Williams, Daniel K. Xu, Xiaohe Yeary, Karen Hye-cheon Kim Yip, Andrew Kam-Tuck Yu, Dan Smyer Yucel, Salih Zhang, Johnny Zollner, Hans © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (

Authors and Affiliations

Religions Editorial Office


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Religions Editorial Office (2015). Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Religions in 2014. Religions, 6(1), -.