Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Religions in 2017

Journal Title: Religions - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 1


Peer review is an essential part in the publication process, ensuring that Religions maintains high quality standards for its published papers. In 2017, a total of 265 papers were published in the journal. Thanks to the cooperation of our reviewers, the median time to first decision was 25 days and the median time to publication was 56 days. The editors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following reviewers for their time and dedication in 2017: Abdelzaher, Dina Kertzer, David Abramowitz, Jonathan A. Kessler, Samuel Abu Shuleh, Mohammad Kevern, Peter Aderibigbe, Simon Key, Andre Afridi, Mehnaz Khanna, Madhu Aho, Karl Kirkland, Kevin Aho, Karl Kirkpatrick, Kate Ali, Yunus Kizenko, Nadieszda Alisauskiene, Milda Klun, Branko Allegue, Jaime Vázquez Knight, Mark Allen, Viviette Knox, Zoe Allievi, Stefano Koenig, Harold G. Almeida, Michael Konrad, Helmut Altieri, Charles Kraay, Klaas J. Ambrose, Glenn Kraus, Paul Anderson, Douglas Kristeller, Jean L. Anello, Giancarlo Kruse, John V. Attridge, Harold W. Krysinska, Karolina Austin, Nicholas Kuipers, Benjamin Avery-Peck, Alan Kupfer, Antonia Azumah, John A. Kwilecki, Susan Baab, Lynne Lai, Pak Wah Baines, Susannah Lai, Pan Chiu Baker, Chris Langille, Tim Bakker, Janel Kragt Launay, Robert Bakker, M. Lawrence, David Balaam, Peter Lee, Joseph Tse-Hei Balmer, Brice H. Lee, Marvin Bannon, Brad Lehtsalu, Liise Bansah, Confidence W. LeMasters, Philip Barbu, Liviu Lemons, Derrick Barois, Christèle Levy, Ian Bartkowski, Frances Lewis, Thomas Bartkowski, John Libby, Christine Barua, Ankur Lidke, Jeffrey Basselin, Timothy J. Lindahl, Jared Baumann, Klaus Lindenmeier, Jörg

Authors and Affiliations

Religions Editorial Office


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How To Cite

Religions Editorial Office (2018). Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Religions in 2017. Religions, 9(1), -.