Active prevention of postpartum endometritis in pregnant women with anaerobic dysbiosis and planned cesarian section

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 3


In the structure of inflammatory diseases postpartum endometritis (PE) retains its leading position. The likelihood of postpartum endometritis development after cesarean section increases by 5-10 times compared with spontaneous labor and its frequency has no tendency to decrease. The urgency of PE problem is determined not only by its high prevalence, economic losses, but its possible complications (uterine suture failure and generalization of infection as well). Clinical picture of PE currently is characterized by late manifastation, presence of atypical and asymptomatic forms with mismatched general reaction of the organism and severity of the local pathological process. The leading role in the etiology of PE belongs to conditionaly pathogenic microflora, in the most cases (90%) presence of strict anaerobic nonsporeforming mic¬roorganisms, composing part of the normal flora of the genital tract in women. The aim of the study was the development of the principles of active prevention of postpartum endometritis in women with severe vaginal anaerobic dysbiosis while planning cesarean section.

Authors and Affiliations

K. Voronin, A. Alale, I. Alale, S. Chervonyi


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How To Cite

K. Voronin, A. Alale, I. Alale, S. Chervonyi (2015). Active prevention of postpartum endometritis in pregnant women with anaerobic dysbiosis and planned cesarian section. Медичні перспективи, 20(3), 42-48.