Actors of Political Life in Ukraine: Social Portrait of Contemporary Power Elite


The article is devoted to typical characteristics research of the ruling political elite in contemporary Ukraine on the basis of statistical analysis of the career paths of the people’s deputies of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VIII convocation). The article’s methodology is based on theoretical propositions of M. Weber and the results of sociological studies of the political elite in Slovakia and Ukraine (from 2010 to 2014). The main attention is paid to the analysis of the level of renewal of the ruling political elite of Ukraine in the variables “age”, “party affiliation”, “regional representation”, “political stream” and “social institute”. Main results of the research have fixed the highest level of the ruling political elite in Ukraine since 1994. The deputies staff became 10 years younger the previous convocation. The regional imbalance of the ruling political elite in Ukraine was revealed, namely the shift of the center of gravity from the East (Donetsk) to the West (Lviv) and the priority of the center's interests (Kyiv). It is stated that the contemporary Ukrainian parliament structure is not significantly different from previous convocations or the similar situation, for example, in Slovakia. Finally, the most effective political career strategies are defined business career (44%), public servant’s career (22%) and a strategy for several areas of self-actualization combination (19%), which confirmed our basic hypothesis of specificity renewal and formation of the ruling political elite in Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Igor Kudinov, Emilia Sičáková-Beblavá, Yuliia Yatsyna


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How To Cite

Igor Kudinov, Emilia Sičáková-Beblavá, Yuliia Yatsyna (2017). Actors of Political Life in Ukraine: Social Portrait of Contemporary Power Elite. Культурологічний вісник: Науково-теоретичний щорічник Нижньої Наддніпрянщини, 2(38), 81-92.