Acupressure in dysmenorrhea – a pilot study
Journal Title: Ginekologia i Położnictwo medical project - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 41
Introduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies dysmenorrhea to conditions that can be effectively treated by acupressure, as proven in controlled clinical trials. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of acupressure on relieving symptoms associated with painful menstruation in young women. Material and methods. The study involved 33 women aged 19–25 years with dysmenorrhea. After inclusion, the participants were instructed about acupressure procedures to be able to perform it on their own. They were taught how to locate acupressure points used in the study: SP6, LR3 and LI4. The women performed acupressure procedures on every day of menstruation twice daily for two consecutive menstrual periods. Results were measured after the first and second menstruation, after intervention. Results. Acupressure performed during menstruation by the participants themselves reduced pain in most of the women and, in some of them, relieved certain symptoms associated with menstruation. Conclusions. Acupressure significantly improves the quality of life during menstruation in young women with dysmenorrhea.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Molenda, Mariusz Molenda, Martyna Zabłocka, Natalia Kędra, Agnieszka Kurpas, Daria Ciechanowicz, Jan Horejší
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