Acute toxicity determination of galenic and newgalenic phytosubstances from vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves
Journal Title: Український біофармацевтичний журнал - Year 2019, Vol 59, Issue 2
Topicality. At the stage of primary toxicological and pharmacological screening, the definition of the toxicity class of the investigated phytosubstantions, which have different qualitative and quantitative composition, is the first step of preclinical studies, the purpose of which is to obtain results on the safety of the test substance for health under conditions of short-term action. Aim. To study the modified phytosubstances acute toxicity from vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves. Materials and methods. The objects of research were 13 phytosubstances, obtained from vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves. The definition of acute toxicity was carried out in accordance with the methodological guidelines “Preclinical studies of drugs”, edited by A. Stefanov on outbred mice weighing 20-26 g and outbred rats weighing 150-200 g in compliance with the main provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used in experiments and other scientific purposes Results and discussion. For 14 days of observing the behavior of body weight with the appearance of experimental animals received phytosubstance at maximum doses of toxicity classes IV, V and VI of doses of – 5000, 15000 and 20000 mg/kg, respectively, the death of animals in groups did not occur, it can be concluded that the phytosubstances are non-toxic in selected doses. Therefore, we can conclude that according to the classification of substances according to toxicity, Sidorov K. K. these phytosubstances can be classified as toxicity class VI (low toxic compounds). Thus, the results of the study allow us to conclude the establishment of a medium-lethal dose of selected herbal substances is impossible and is beyond 15000 mg/kg, because intragastric administration in a maximum dose of toxicity class VI of 20000 mg/kg did not lead to death or the occurrence of pathological changes in the functional state of the organism of animals of both species. According to the generally accepted toxicological classification of substances, these phytoextracts belong to the V and toxicity classes – relatively harmless substances. Conclusions. We studied the acute toxicity of modified galenic and novogalenovy phytoextracts from the leaves of lingonberry ordinary with a single intragastric administration. Found that the LD50 of phytoextracts from the leaves of lingonberry is outside 15000 mg/kg and in accordance with the generally accepted toxicological classification of substances tincture belongs to the V and toxicity class (relatively harmless substances). The results will be used for further study of modified phytosubstances from vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves.
Authors and Affiliations
K. V. Tsemenko, I. Kireev, O. M. Koshoviy
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