Addresser-addressee continuum of actualization in the epistolary discourse


The article clarifies the terminological expanse of the concepts of addresser and addressee. The basic renarration models realized in the epistolary are determined; the change of communicative roles during transfer of information provided is traced. Attention is drawn to the importance of the subject-primary source for the formation of the renarrative context, as well as the functional features of renarration in the correspondence of Ukrainian writers are highlighted. Recent studies in the field of functional communicative syntax are aimed at exploring the communicants’ speech interactions from the anthropocentric perspective. However, Ukrainian linguistics has to examine addresser-addressee interaction in the context of renarration based on the Ukrainian texts of different styles, namely, epistolary. The most recent academic outputs, which in one way or another speak of the addresser-addressee interaction, include the works of F. S. Batsevych, M. I. Venhryniuk, N. V. Huivaniuk, O. V. Hurko, A. M. Kishchenko, S. T. Shabat-Savka, V. I. Yaslyk et al. In general, the opinions of scientists regarding the dominance of subjects in the process of communication differ. Some researchers focus on the addresser, others advocate the priority of the addressee. However, there is another position that declares communicative equality of subjects of speech activity. The epistolary style finds its expression primarily in correspondence. Each sample of such distant communication is written in the form of a monologue addressed on behalf of the author of the message to the recipient or recipients. In the context of the retelling, we are talking about two levels of epistolary interaction - explicit (superficial, external, accessible without deepening into the material, with the present addresser and addressee), as well as implicit (internal, polyphonic, deployed, with a frequent change of communicative roles which, in fact, demonstrates the process of generating a renarrative construction; at this level, special focus is on the subject-primary source of information, a co-author of sorts – a third participant, whose words fall into the renarrative construction). The factual basis for the article is the letters of famous Ukrainian writers. Each of them (both as an addresser and a renarrator) at the external level of interaction has his/her own co-communicants – mostly they are relatives, friends and colleagues. It is necessary to point out that the addressee can retell not only the information that he/she recorded during direct interaction with the primary source, but also what was heard from someone (who acts as another link in the renarration chain) or even read (taking into account the communication through letters and possibility of calls). Usually the renarration context is formed according to the classical three-term scheme «addresser – addressee / addresser / renarrator – addressee». Senders of letters often use auto-renarration or renarrate to the addressee his/her own words. Quite often in letters, renarration actualizes the following functional and semantic manifestations: request to transfer information; request to convey a greeting or thanks; prediction of what the addressee can say in response. The task of further research is to study addresser-addressee interaction in the context of renarration on the basis of artistic, scientific, journalistic and confessional styles.

Authors and Affiliations

О. А. Кравцова


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How To Cite

О. А. Кравцова (2018). Addresser-addressee continuum of actualization in the epistolary discourse. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 10(), 51-55.