Adenoma polymorphum localised out of salivary glands in material of ENT Department MSS Hospital between 2007–2009 – two cases

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 7


The adenoma polymorphum is benign salivary glands tumor. The most common location of occurrence is the parotid followed by the minor salivary glands in which the palate, upper lip and buccal mucosa are most commonly affected. It is a demarcated from the surronding, painless, capsulated and slow growing mass. Microscopically these tumors are composed of varying proportions of epithelial and mesenchymal tissue. Treatment of adenoma polymorphum is complete surgical excision with a surronding margin of normal tissue. This procedure avoids local recurrence. In two years (2007-2009) In Otolaryngology Ward In Międzyleski Szpiatl Specjalistyczny treated four patients with adenoma polymorphum localised out of salivary glands. The authors described two cases of tumor mixtus localised on soft palate and in external ear canal. The first is a 57-year old male presented a painless swelling over the palate of four months duration. Admitted to ENT Unit on april 2009. He denier dysphagia and dyspnoea. On examination there was a firm, circumscribed tumor of the palate in the right side. CT scans show a right soft palate welldefined mass. He underwent transoral surgical excision. Postoperative period was uneventful. Another case is 18-year old girl with progressive worsening of hearing .On examination external ear canal was blocked due to firm and round tumor on his upper wall. The tumor was excised In local anesthesia. During two years observation there was no evidence of local reccurence.

Authors and Affiliations

Karolina Borowska, Mirosława Pietniczka-Załęska, Justyna Sołtys, Krystyna Budzynowska


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How To Cite

Karolina Borowska, Mirosława Pietniczka-Załęska, Justyna Sołtys, Krystyna Budzynowska (2009). Adenoma polymorphum localised out of salivary glands in material of ENT Department MSS Hospital between 2007–2009 – two cases. Otolaryngologia Polska, 63(7), 80-82.