Adhesion molecules in the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2010, Vol 23, Issue 10
It is hypothesized that adhesion molecules could be a predictor of coronary artery disease.<br>Therefore we investigated the relationship between the concentrations of soluble forms of adhesion molecules and ischemic heart disease in 182 women.<br>The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 in women with a documented ischemic heart disease and women without clinical symptoms of the disease. In the analyzed material none of the basic lipid parameters has a power to differentiate patients with the heart disease from the control group.<br>In the group of women ICAM-1> 260 ng/ml were observed in 25,7% of the patients with the ischemic heart disease and in 1,5% of control subjects. There was not a single occurrence of ICAM-1 concentration> 300 ng/ml in the control group while such levels were observed in almost 5,9% of our patients. The VCAM-1 levels below or equal to 600 ng/ml were found to dominate in the control group. While VCAM-1 concentrations above 600 ng/ml were observed in 36% subjects in the control group and in 58,8% patients with the ischemic heart disease. In the control groups there were no VCAM-1 concentrations> 900 ng/ml, while in the patients with ischemic heart disease such levels were observed in 9,8% of the patients. VCAM-1 concentrations> 1000 ng/ml were present in 2% cases with ischemic heart disease.<br>The results of this study indicate that determination of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 may be helpful in assessment of the risk of sudden cardiac incidents in patients with documented disease.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Jarosz, Grażyna Nowicka
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