Adoption Level of Scientific Goat Farming Practices among Goat Farmers


The study was conducted to study the adoption level of goat farmers in scientific goat farming practices. The data was collected through personal interview method with the help of pretested well structured interview schedule from 80 goat farmers in 5 adopted village of Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh. The recommended practices were categorized in five i.e. breeding, feeding, health care, management and marketing. The study data shows that majority of farmers adopt practices like allow mating of doe at 18 hours after heat, feed colostrums to kids within one hour, follow sanitary practices for your shelter/standing place, ligate, disinfect the naval cord after birth, perform culling at the farm and market male kids at 6-8 months of age and were found first rank. The practice wise adoption index was calculated and found that marketing practices related to goat farming obtained more adoption index (53.5) followed by feeding practices (46.96), breeding practices (42.6), health care practices (30.72) and management practices (27.25). The overall adoption index of goat rearing was 40.43. The adoption is low in important scientific practices due to lack of exposure. Thus to improve the adoption of goat rearing practices in study area, extension agencies have to arrange training and demonstration programs of improved practices to goat keepers.

Authors and Affiliations

Sandeep Kumar Singh, R. Singh, P. Kushram


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  • DOI 10.9734/AJAEES/2017/38176
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How To Cite

Sandeep Kumar Singh, R. Singh, P. Kushram (2017). Adoption Level of Scientific Goat Farming Practices among Goat Farmers. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 21(4), 1-6.