Advertising protoforms in Kievan Rus period


Research methodology. In order to determine the peculiarities of advertising protoforms in Kievan Rus period the systematic analysis of the identification marks, inscriptions, commodity seals are under consideration.Results. During the process of analysis, it is found that heterogeneity of the development doesn’t permit to consider early forms of advertising in the Kievan Rus period as system. We can speak about the functioning of signs and sign-symbolic complexes with some pragmatic guideline within existing areas of communication. They have different settings and pragmatic ways of demonstration of objects which were advertised. Thus, the development of commercial communication was promoted by the development of market relations that influenced its functionality, channels of distribution and definite content. The poetics of folklore and carnival culture has been used with the aim to attract the consumers’ attention. The main pragmatic guideline of the commercial messages was economic benefit explicated by the codes that represent the satisfaction of material needs.In political communication simple, laconic signs are combined with fragments of high art works. The most popular image tool is the approach to the sacred object. Political confessional elements cover communication mechanisms of actions resulting in social inequality support and strengthening the power. The codes of such messages were satisfying the safety need. In the confessional communication the synthetic codes were primarily used. They have more varied image tools, such as verbalization, visualization, accent, mythology and format working not only with the advertised object, but also with the target audience. In the confessional communication of that period semantic-symbolic complexes appeared: hidden appeal to the target audience and elements of suggestion. Novelty. It is for the first time that the systematic analysis of the advertising of Kievan Rus historical period is done.The practical significance. The results of the investigation can be used for further study of the national history of advertising.

Authors and Affiliations

S. Bezchotnikova


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S. Bezchotnikova (2016). Advertising protoforms in Kievan Rus period. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія "Соціальні комунікації", 24(12), 18-26.