Aetiopathology and management of epistaxis in a tertiary Care Hospital
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 9
Background: Epistaxis or nosebleed has a varied aetiopathology. It is one of the common presentations requiring an immediate intervention to prevent from life threatening complications. Methods :A comparative study was done on 152 patients in a tertiary care hospital (Regional Institute Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur, India) during the study period of two years from September 2013 to August 2015 using a structured questionnaire along with clinical examination, laboratory investigations for identifying specific aetiology. Efficacy of various modes of conservative management as well surgical intervention was studied. Result:Out of 152 patients studied, incidence of epistaxis was found in 67.76% in maleand 32.23% in female patients respectively. The aetiopathological factor was mostly contributed by local factors (58.5% ) followed by systemic factor ( 32.23%).Anterior nasal packing (ANP) was required in 132 patients (86.8%),Posterior nasal packing (PNP) in 19 patients (12.5%), chemical cautery in 17 patients(11.2%) and electrocautery in 8 patients(5.3%) with success rate of 85.6%,100%, 82.3% and 100% respectively. Chemical and/orelectrocauteryunder endoscopic guidance was used when ANP and PNP failed to control the condition. Conclusion: Epistaxis which is a symptom or sign is more common in male than in female patients and local factors are responsible for majority of it. Most of the patients could be managed conservatively with endoscopy assisted cauterization without requiring any surgical intervention.
Authors and Affiliations
Kharumnuid Klonderful, PuyamSobita Devi, Lido Kamgo, M Madhumangol Singh, LoukrakpamSharatchandra Singh
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