Agronomic Characters on Three Varieties of Sorgum with Differences of NPK Fertilizer Source and Harvest Time


The research took place in the rainy season 2014-2015 which was held in Gowa regency of South Sulawesi. The objective of the study was to evaluate the agronomic character of three varieties of sorghum treated with different sources of NPK fertilizer and harvest time. Design The research used is Split-Split Plot Design, with Main Plot of Fertilization consisting of Conventional NPK (p1), NPK Slow Release (p2) and NPK Combination (p3). subplot were harvest time consisted above before physiological maturity (W1), the exact physiological maturity (W2) and passing physiological maturity (W3), and sub-sub plot were varieties consisted of numbu (V1), super-1 (V2) and super 2 (V3). The result data is processed by using variance analysis, further test using LSD test. The results showed that the treatment of P2 and P3 gave the best result to observed agronomic character, harvest time treatment in general was not significantly different but on the parameter of fresh biomass weight and fresh weight of stem, harvest time W1 gives the best results, while the best varieties are V1 and V2.

Authors and Affiliations

Elkawakib Syam'un


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How To Cite

Elkawakib Syam'un (2017). Agronomic Characters on Three Varieties of Sorgum with Differences of NPK Fertilizer Source and Harvest Time. International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 4(6), 5261-5265.