Agropolis – part II. A modern city farm
Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2014, Vol 18, Issue 3
In the article the types of spatial scale urban farms which appear in urban renewal projects are disscussed. Regeneration method for creating agricultural zones in cities is an innovative, future-oriented urban redevelopment model transformation based on the principles of sustainable development. The use of different variations of this strategy in urban regeneration programs will depend on the progress in agricultural production technology in an urban environment, and in particular their self-sufficiency in raw materials and energy and on optimization of the costs of construction and operation of urban farms.
Krajobraz przedurbanizacyjny w przestrzeni współczesnego miasta. Uwagi o metodyce badawczej i praktyce planistycznej na przykładzie Wrocławia
Kluczowym problemem omawianym w artykule jest ochrona pozostałości przedurbanizacyjnego krajobrazu kulturowego na terenach miast. Autor zwraca uwagę na wartość struktur i elementów dawnych podmiejskich wsi w przestrzeni...
Creative activity of Hans Hollein: symbol and architectural expression
The article concerns the issue of the unique character of Hans Hollein (1934–2014) in the context of its expressiveness, the symbolic transmission and traditional support. Despite specific controversy, the author’s achie...
Sky Tower impact on the landscape of Wrocław – analysing based on the VIS method
The article discusses investigations referring to the analysis of the Sky Tower impact on the cityscape of Wrocław. They involved using a computer aided Visual Impact Size method (VIS) developed by a team led by the firs...
Palimpsest in the transformations of the Cistercian abbey in Rudy after World War II
The article is aimed at describing the transformations of the Cistercian abbey in Rudy Raciborskie after World War II. This architectural complex, established after the secularization was converted into a ducal palace. D...
Sundials of St Mary’s Church in Gdańsk
The paper presents contemporary research evidence of form, function and history of the sundials of St Mary’s Church in Gdańsk. The discussed sundials are located on the southern wall of the church transept. The sundial,...