Agrotechnical and economic effectiveness of mulch tillage for growing winter wheat following complete fallow


In connection with climate warming, changes in environmental and economic priorities of management and agriculture biologization Steppe there is an urgent need to improve the technology of tillage systems and fertilizer for winter wheat by saving energy, additional accumulation of moisture, increasing the yield and grain quality. According to studies minimum tillage mulching process fallow promotes additional accumulation of productive moisture in the soil compared to the control (plowing 25–27 cm) in the amount of 89–143 m³/ha and ensure the restoration of its reserves in the spring tillering wheat plants (203–207 mm, 85 or 86 % of the field capacity limit, the layer of 0–150 cm). It is proved that the level of productivity of winter wheat mulching and tillage (disking – 5,17–5,60 t/ha, moldboard less – 5,04–5,52 t/ha) is not inferior to deep plowing (5,24–5,50 t/ha) in the plowing, thus we get good fuel economy (22–29 l/ha) and high profitability. It was found that the best prerequisites for producing high–protein grain winter wheat took place in the years when the spring–summer vegetation plant was at a sufficient initial stocks of productive moisture in the layer 0–150 cm, warm and moderately humid weather during the period from the start of loading until the end of wax ripeness grains (2011 and 2014 years). Improving the quality of basic production parameters in dry years (2012), is due to the formation of small grains, that is, at a lower full–scale mass is proportional to the increase in the share of protein in relation to carbohydrates (starch). In terms of increasing the productivity of wheat on fallow and produce an annual food grain high quality mulch agricultural background, the advantage is the system of fertilizers, which provides for the use of all by–products to the predecessor (maize), as well as making P30K30 before sowing and N60 at the beginning of booting plants that during moldboard plowing generate additional grain of 0,26 t/ha, disking – 0,43 moldboard less – 0,48 t/ha.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Tsilyurik, V. Sudak, I. Gasanova


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How To Cite

A. Tsilyurik, V. Sudak, I. Gasanova (2017). Agrotechnical and economic effectiveness of mulch tillage for growing winter wheat following complete fallow. Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету, 43(1), 5-11.