Ai Chi - metoda terapii w wodzie
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja w Praktyce - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 3
Ai Chi is one of the methods of aquatic therapy. It is a combination of Eastern and Western philosophy of working with body, mind and spiritual energy. It includes 16 movements starting from breathing and gradually engaging the upper limbs, torso and lower limbs, and ending with the coordination of the whole body. The exercises require focusing on breathing, energy flow, smoothness and accuracy of movements. Each sequence has its name reflecting a mental association and physical movement. The effectiveness of the Ai Chi method has been confirmed in numerous studies. It has been proven to bring positive results, among others, in people with Parkinson’s disease, after stroke, in people with multiple sclerosis or fibryomialgia. The exercises can be performed by people of all ages and with different levels of physical fitness.
Authors and Affiliations
mgr Monika Filipowicz, dr Anna Ogonowska-Słodownik
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